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Рецензия с 7 по 13 октября 2009 года

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Здесь находятся завершившиеся обсуждения. Просьба не вносить изменений.

Просьба помочь с руссификацией карт: мой первый опыт работы с редактором даже в svg кончился не очень удачно... Некоторым не нравится если мало сносок на русскоязычные источники. Сноски на Хастингса я перевел в русскую версию книги, а надо ли еще дополнительно сноски делать на Фуллера и Лиддела Харта? Я не очень понимаю, кстати, это русскоязычные источники или нужен чистокровный россиянин-автор. У них два абзаца по теме, не считая эффекта сломанного телефона: даже у Хастинга я пару сносок оставил на английскую книгу, так как в русской версии те утверждения не просматриваются... Ну и другой критики и советов тоже жду. --total(serg) 19:20, 7 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

„Просьба помочь с руссификацией карт:“ Знаю я эту портачку, текст надо было в кривых сохранять. То есть перевёл надпись и правой клавишей на ней → "Преобразовать в контуры". После этого собственно текст перестаёт быть текстом и воспринимается как рисунок, редактировать становится тяжелее, зато после заливки на "ВикиСклад" отсутствуют эти дефекты конвертации. --Vasyatka1 19:32, 7 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Я настолько не разбираюсь в этом, что даже не могу найти "Преобразовать в контуры"(. А переводил я удалением окошка с английским текстом и созданием нового, с русским. --total(serg) 19:46, 7 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Спасибо. --total(serg) 04:45, 8 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Всё ты делал правильно, только не трансформировал текст в контуры, попробуешь (если сохранится желание) на другом примере, и научишься. --Vasyatka1 17:29, 8 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

Замечания от 08.10.2009:

  • налицо злоупотребление словом "давление".
  • Долину смерти из первого абзаца мне кажется следует переместить в примечания, к прочим "мешкам". Так как прочих долин смерти - вагон и маленькая тележка. --Vasyatka1 15:00, 8 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Кстати, название подразделов Первоначальное направление и Блокирование котла корявые и неподходящие. У тебя нет своего варианта? --total(serg) 19:19, 8 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Пока в голову ничего не приходит. Подождём :) --Vasyatka1 07:31, 9 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Может Охват и, собственно, Фалезский котёл (мешок)? --total(serg) 07:41, 9 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
«Блокирование мешка»? :) --Vasyatka1 08:22, 9 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Не, ну как раз кольцо окружения замкнулось, то есть только с момента, описываемого в начале Блокирование котла, и можно говорить о котле. Меняю, короче) --total(serg) 08:32, 9 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

Номинировал в хорошие. --total(serg) 15:20, 13 октября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

War breaks out in Europe (1939) with addition showing what was before for right understanding and 2 maps of "Deutsches Reich" also before Adolf Hitler also far in east

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Deutsches Reich 1871–1914
Deutsches Reich 1919–1937

Missed direct history before and new informations in german language and translation out of german WP articles(polen#Geschichte...): Missed direct history before and new informations in german language and translation out of german WP articles(polen#Geschichte...): Eine restriktive Politik gegenüber der deutschen Minderheit, die zur Emigration etwa einer Million deutschsprachiger Staatsbürger führte, die Weigerung der Regierung Stresemann, die neue deutsche Ostgrenze anzuerkennen, ein „Zollkrieg“ um die oberschlesische Kohle sowie der politisch-weltanschauliche Gegensatz zum Sowjetsystem schlossen eine Kooperation Polens mit seinen beiden größten Nachbarn aus. Eine restriktive Politik gegenüber der deutschen Minderheit, die zur Emigration etwa einer Million deutschsprachiger Staatsbürger führte, die Weigerung der Regierung Stresemann, die neue deutsche Ostgrenze anzuerkennen, ein „Zollkrieg“ um die oberschlesische Kohle sowie der politisch-weltanschauliche Gegensatz zum Sowjetsystem schlossen eine Kooperation Polens mit seinen beiden größten Nachbarn aus. Translation: (A restrictive politic against german minority, that lead to "emigration of about one million" german speaking citizens(aggressive to win elections and countings but lost for upper silesia...), the refusal of "Stresemann" governement to accept the new german east border, a toll war for the upper silesia coal and the political opposition to the soviet system exluding a cooperation with polands two neighbours. Short before poland was attacked itself by the national socialist germany, it claimed in the course of "Munich" convention territorial rights against Czechoslovakia. At october 1938 poland annexed, against the will of Czechoslovakia governement, the Olsa area inhabited most by polands, which 1919 was occupied by Czechoslovakia.)

(Here insertion of original article)

(Hier mögliche Zusatzinformation bzgl. neustem Stand über TV Sendung in BRD länger zuvor die Hitler live zeigt so ganz sicher hist. korrekt bei Erstangriff von England nä(h)mlich völlig fassungslos das England ihn Angriff in Widerspruch zu Planung England Erstangriff zu überlassen) (Hitler was shown in german TV live as historical document at the time of the england attack totally stunned that england atttacks him intervening in poland in opposition that Hitler planned to give england the first atack in german 2. WW article)

Additionally long time before history also to much for insertion but for right understanding: Long time before was first founding of poland 967 before since 2. century before christ german tribe (including today english+french+scandinaviens... not just wrong today germans) area over aggressive roman catholic church and before forced christianization with Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae and the "Hunnen" attacks. Missed information from where are polands coming like for 3 million jews. Today poland near free of foreigners and jews but themself more than 20 million living outside. The roman empire was destroyed before with varus battle of hermann and hannibal but reestablished over church structure from german Carolus Magnus as roman emperor ("Sachsenschlächter" slaughterer of (anglo?) saxons) with new jewish JHWH instead jupiter attacking also the religion of german tribes as common band with creator of world and first humans Askre and Embla - Odin and brothers with tree of live and worlds yggdrasil also called irminsul symbolic cutted, apocalypse was the ragnarök and self sacrifice from Odin itself and godness Idun and here apples attacked by sin... The spreading of Tora first just 10 commandments in egypt language since hebraic not existing was with predecessor 10 pharon commandments, zoroaster and German mythology and runic script. German language original from german Wikipedia showing that roman enemies behind first poland: 966 ließ sich Mieszko I. nach römisch-katholischem Ritus taufen. Das Territorium erreichte durch Eroberungen unter Mieszko I. und seinem Sohn Bolesław dem Tapferen Grenzen, die den heutigen Staatsgrenzen sehr nahe kamen. Um 997 schloss Polen ein enges politisch-militärisches Bündnis mit dem Heiligen Römischen Reich, während des Staatsakts zu Gnesen im Jahr 1000 wurde die Übereinkunft vom polnischen Herrscher Bolesław I. und Kaiser Otto III. bestätigt. Mit der Krönung Bolesławs im Jahr 1025 wurde Polen in den Stand eines Königreiches erhoben.

Axis advances (Which axe advanced ?)

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USA citizens did not want to intervene in 2. WW with about 80% majority but got involved by jew Roosevelt governement not staying neutral with embargo against japan for oil(already inside and called aggression), iron, steel and mechanical parts, and delivering weapons to england with military sea escort. Secret Service of USA did know before from japan pearl harbor attack 10m beside of navy command center but did not say anything because they wanted that as reason for the american public to intervene fully in 2. WW sacrificing the pearl harbour NAVY. At all about 55-60million deaths in 2. WW why ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Theobald#Post-war .....

German medias reported longer ago that russian historians agreed that Stalin had first attack plan and standing already with tanks on german border as A. Hitler made a prevention attack ! Why A. Hitler should want an additional war border and not Stalin with jewish marxism behind ?

Pre-war events extension Hawaii showing not right to say japan did attack USA letting aggressive annexation of USA before away out of WP

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Annexation—the Territory of Hawaii (1898–1959)After William McKinley won the presidential election in 1896, Hawaii's annexation to the U.S. was again discussed. The previous president, Grover Cleveland, was a friend of Queen Liliʻuokalani. McKinley was open to persuasion by U.S. expansionists and by annexationists from Hawaii. He met with three annexationists from Hawaii: Lorrin Thurston, Francis March Hatch and William Ansel Kinney. After negotiations, in June 1897, Secretary of State John Sherman agreed to a treaty of annexation with these representatives of the Republic of Hawaii.[56]

The treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. Instead, despite the opposition of a majority of Native Hawaiians,[57] the Newlands Resolution was used to annex the Republic to the United States and it became the Territory of Hawaii. The Newlands Resolution was passed by the House June 15, 1898, by a vote of 209 to 91, and by the Senate on July 6, 1898, by a vote of 42 to 21.

The USS Shaw exploding during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.Puerto Rican immigration to Hawaii began when Puerto Rico's sugar industry was devastated by two hurricanes in 1899. The devastation caused a world-wide shortage of sugar and a huge demand for the product from Hawaii. Hawaiian sugar plantation owners began to recruit the jobless, but experienced, laborers in Puerto Rico. Two distinct waves of Korean immigration to Hawaii have occurred in the last century. The first arrived in between 1903 and 1924; the second wave began in 1965.

In 1900, Hawaii was granted self-governance and retained ʻIolani Palace as the territorial capitol building. Despite several attempts to become a state, Hawaii remained a territory for sixty years. Plantation owners and key capitalists, who maintained control through financial institutions, or "factors", known as the "Big Five", found territorial status convenient, enabling them to continue importing cheap foreign labor; such immigration was prohibited in various states.

Concentration camps and slave work (addionally information for right understanding)

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First concentration camps did exist on all sides normally and prisoners of war must work also. Also SS did first only plan deportation of the jews but extended near to end of 2. WW to secret genozide with threat of death if speaking about so even 6. army did not know about until going into russia and wanted to stopp that after coming back. Later 500 000 at poland home land banishment and 3.1 million germans in russia... died by genocide because after end of war. In percent ? most germans died in and after 2. WW. Genocide was public frowned upon in NAZI regime. SS was not allowed to speak about else punished to death same normal soldiers if not fighting. Israel did not exist to be attacked but SS... did know that jew Roosevelt and jew Marx... did arrange the attackings same like in France long before jews are burned alive on banishment after french burned before in masses over long time by catholic church inquisition by jew Tora behind. Also in russia jews are killed because before russians killed by forced christianization in masses all long time ago. See history jews in russia+france... also Kanaan simply attacked by the jews. Who died most in percentage from population and who attacked first ? Long time before roman vasalic systems installed after war was won against romans coming back over jewish roman catholic church installing vasalic systems see Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae... attacking common band of all the german tribes Odin, Yggdrasil, Idun, Ragnarök, Frigg...

War becomes global (1941) addition

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Russian historic did say already that Stalin with jewish marxism behind did have first attack plan standing already with army tanks on border until Hitler decided to attack himself first without choice for no war with russia calling it a prevention attack. It`s historical very unbelievable that Adolf Hitler did want that time already in war another war border and not Stalin breaking the Adolf Hitler-Stalin-pact with secret pact for poland intervention. Unlikly is also that Adolf Hitler planned russia as any new living room but securing old living room see maps of "Deutsches Reich" also long time before Adolf Hitler was even born.