Википедия:К оценке источников/АА-конфликт/Архив/2012/10

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Siavash Lornejad, Ali Doostzadeh "On the Modern Politicization of the Persian Poet Nezami Ganjavi"[править код]

  • Siavash Lornejad, Ali Doostzadeh "On the Modern Politicization of the Persian Poet Nezami Ganjavi" (Edited by Victoria Arakelova, YEREVAN SERIES FOR ORIENTAL STUDIES, Yerevan 2012)

Работа Ali Doostzadeh в свое время была исключена из числа источников статьи о Низами как неавторитетная, поскольку написана не профессионалом и не издана. Однако он с соавтором значительно доработали статью. Работа вышла в Ереване и получила прекрасные рецензии специалистов, размещенные на задней обложке книги:

Using admirable caution in the mined field of the reconstruction and critical evaluation of the national stereotypes and clichés stratified through different generations about the interpretation of great literary figures, the Authors analyze the ideological constructs created about the figure and work of Nezami Ganjevi. The book presents a thorough review of many relevant aspects of the question, concerning ethnic history and identity, no less than linguistic and literary details, relevant to the regions of NW Iran and southern Caucasus in which the poetical activity of Nezami found expression. The author makes extensive use of all available data, many of which never previously examined in connection to the subject, thus contributing to a better understanding of a difficult and sensitive issue both of political and literary history of the Persianate culture.

Prof. Dr. Adriano V. Rossi,
University of Naples

Siavash Lornejad and Ali Doostzadeh have produced a first-rate scholarly work to expose the attempts by the Soviet Union in the 1930s to falsely label Nezami as “the great national poet of Azerbaijan.” This was done specifically to eliminate the Iranian cultural heritage from among the Shi’i Muslims of Transcaucasia, as well as to give the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic a national identity. To accomplish this and to lay claim to the historical Azarbaijan (in northwestern Iran), Moscow pressured its historians and writers to view the entire region of eastern Transcaucasia as “Azerbaijan,” centuries prior to the establishment of the Azerbaijan Republic in the 20th century. In addition, in order to occupy historical Azarbaijan (which the Soviets did in 1946) they began to refer to the Iranian province as “Southern Azerbaijan.” The present work not only debunks the numerous falsehoods, but, by carefully examining Nezami’s works, also proves that Nezami, without a doubt, was an Iranian poet.

Dr. George Bournoutian
Senior Professor of History
Iona College, New York

This book provides a full survey of the distortions – dictated by nationalistic purposes – which have been pervading the field of the studies on the Persian poet Nezami of Ganje since the Soviet campaign for Nezami’s 800th birthday anniversary. The authors discuss, with critical accuracy, the arguments put forward by Soviet scholars, and more recently by scholars from the Republic of Azerbaijan, which term Nezami as an “Azerbaijani poet” and his work as pertaining to an alleged “Azerbaijani literature;” and show the historic unsoundness of such theses. Beyond this pars destruens, the book provides also a very rich pars construens, with a bulk of information and data drawn from a first-hand reading of Nezami’s own works and the works by other coeval poets, as well as from historical sources. This book represents an interesting and meticulously documented study on Persian classical literature and on many historic, ethnographic and linguistic questions related to ancient Arran and Transcaucasia. We should be grateful to the authors for having tackled a subject - the politicized use of culture - whose importance has been generally underestimated by European scholars. However the unveiling of a statue in Rome of the “Azerbaijani poet” Nezami compels us to react to such distortions; and makes this book of great topical interest, too.

Dr. Paola Orsatti
Associate Professor of Persian language and literature
Sapienza University of Rome

При таком количестве рецензий, думаю, дело очевидное, но тем не менее запрашиваю формальную авторитетность работы. Divot 22:17, 9 октября 2012 (UTC)[ответить]

P.S. Тут еще приводится рецензия известного ираниста Камрана Талатофа. Divot 20:18, 25 октября 2012 (UTC)[ответить]

Итог[править код]

Дело действительно очевидное, только не оченьясно, где может быть использована эта работа, если об азербаджанизации Низами уже все написано.--Victoria 15:54, 31 октября 2012 (UTC)[ответить]