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Где можно узнать? 07:59, 21 апреля 2023 (UTC)[ответить]

  • Их не существует.
  • >> In the United States, the Institute of Medicine publishes a system of Dietary Reference Intakes, which includes Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for individual nutrients, and Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) for certain groups of nutrients, such as fats. When there is insufficient evidence to determine an RDA, the institute may publish an Adequate Intake (AI) instead, which has a similar meaning but is less certain. The AI for α-linolenic acid is 1.6 grams/day for men and 1.1 grams/day for women, while the AMDR is 0.6% to 1.2% of total energy. Because the physiological potency of EPA and DHA is much greater than that of ALA, it is not possible to estimate one AMDR for all omega−3 fatty acids. Approximately 10 percent of the AMDR can be consumed as EPA and/or DHA. The Institute of Medicine has not established a RDA or AI for EPA, DHA or the combination, so there is no Daily Value (DVs are derived from RDAs), no labeling of foods or supplements as providing a DV percentage of these fatty acids per serving, and no labeling a food or supplement as an excellent source, or "High in..."[citation needed] As for safety, there was insufficient evidence as of 2005 to set an upper tolerable limit for omega−3 fatty acids, although the FDA has advised that adults can safely consume up to a total of 3 grams per day of combined DHA and EPA, with no more than 2 g from dietary supplements.
  • При гомо- или гетерозиготных аллелях Apoe4 ЕСТЬ МНЕНИЕ, что дозировка DHA > 2 g в сутки может снижать риск развития болезни Альцгеймера, но DHA должна быть в фосфолипидной форме, а не в свободной. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8073598/ Kateryna Stepanova (обс.) 08:33, 1 мая 2023 (UTC)[ответить]